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pic if possible:

. planet name:


 system- planet location:  dagohbah system

 terrain: types of terrains: grass

. species: race human and ceachters

. language: languages english spoken

 currentpopulation:  45.000000000


 imports- 455 ships


. exports- racer

other-no fighting

no rapeing


Toydaria is a muddy world located in Hutt Space, and home to the Force-resistant Toydarians


Artist's concept of an exoplanet


history:Aargau is a core world and the headquarters of the Bank of jedi which is owned by the Confederacy of Independent Systems' ally, the InterGalactic Banking Clan. Aargau is located in the Zug System.

Trivia: Aargau is a Swiss canton near the banking capital of Switzerland, Z?/a>. Zug, another canton, is the undisputed tax haven of Switzerland.

. pic if possible:

. planet name:Aargau

 system- Zug System

. terrain:  water

. species:human race


 language: english

. population: current 450000

. imports- racersn

9. exports- ships


. laws no fight

no killing

no raping the wemon


Zonama Sekot is a sentient planet capable of travelling through space. It is a peaceful world known for its fast and organic starships. The living world was also a seed of the original homeworld of the extragalactic Yuuzhan Vong, which was destroyed in a devastating civil war. Zonama Sekot plays an important role in the bestselling New Jedi Order novels, for it harbours the long-forgotten secrets of the Yuuzhan Vong. Earth-Like Planets Discovered Outside Solar System





pic if possible:

. planet name: utopia

. system-  dagohbah system

. terrain:  water

. species: human race

. language: sanpish and freach and english

. population: currently 400000000000000 people

. imports- pod race 34

. exports-  jedi ships 56

 other- no fighting

. history is the plant home plant of jedi master mace window


Raxus Prime

 System: Raxus Prime  Population: -
 Terrain: Toxic Junkyard  Imports: -
 Species:  -  Exports: -
 Language: Basic  Other:  -

As commercial forces spread throughout the galaxy, consuming planetfuls of raw materials to support a modern Republic, many wasteland worlds were left in the wake. Raxus Prime, a world in the Outer Rim, is an example of a world forever poisoned by industry.

The surface of Raxus Prime is covered with refuse, piled over countless generations to rival the elevation of natural mountains. Numerous corporate interests have turned Raxus Prime into a dumping world. As the ancient maxim goes, one being's refuse is another's treasure: salvage operations dig through the planet-wide junkyard, looking to reclaim and recondition reusable or obsolete machinery.

The gutted and rotting hulls of ancient capital starships poke through the more recent garbage, giving the landscape the eerie feel of an industrial graveyard. Huge pools of toxic sludge make the ruined ecosystem one of the most dangerous in the galaxy. The planet's atmosphere is hot and caustic; the miasma of foul-smelling fog limits visibility. Beneath the layers of detritus, there exists evidence of a misguided attempt to colonize Raxus Prime: the innards of an extensive sewer system are the relic of an unknown species that attempted to drain and channel the pools of industrial waste.

Sienar Fleet Systems, a leading starship manufacturer, maintained a number of refinery and reclamation plants on Raxus Prime, which continued to belch poison into the air. A number of scavenger species frequent the world, with several transplanted jawa clans calling the foreboding landscape home. The Meeknu clan of Jawas runs an extensive salvage operation on Raxus Prime.



 System: Jabiim  Population: 1 billion
 Terrain:  Muddy Plains  Imports: -
 Species:  Jabiimites  Exports:  -
 Language: Basic  Other:  -

Jabiim is a world deluged by torrential rains. It experiences less than five days per standard year without precipitation. Its muddy surface is constantly shifting from the weight of the rains. Jabiim is a world rich with valuable ores -- raw material. Jabiim is a world laregly ignored by most. Jabiimites live in small communities. Bandits and Pirates may arrive now and then.

System: SPACE  Population: 2.3 billion
 Terrain:  Plains, Cities  Imports: -67
 Species:  Munns  Exports:  -90
 Language: Basic  Other:





From LibertyWiki

The planet of Telos
The planet of Telos
Telos is a planet in the Outer Rim, which after the Mandalorian Wars was bombed by the Sith. After the devestation that occured here, the Galactic Republic used it as a trial for its planet restoration project. They commissioned the Ithorians, who ran in to many troubles with the Czerka Corporation. The future of the project depends on the success of the Ithorian's work. Because of the poisonous atmosphere, a giant orbitting platform, the Citadel Station, was built above the planet to coordinate the works. Dantooine is another project that depends the progress the Ithorians make with Telos. Near to the pole of the planet, a secret Jedi Academy was started by Atris, when the Jedi Council was force to split, waiting for the Sith to reveal themselves.

Thousands of years later, Telos has recovered and become a popular destination for intergalactic tourists. Around 30 BBY, 12 years before the Battle of Naboo, the former padawan Xanatos turned the planet upside down in his pursuit for personal power. Only the intervention of Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi thwarted Xanatos' plans, and helped return the planet to its rightful government.

Peragus II

From LibertyWiki

Peragus and the many asteroids that surround it, years on after the accident.
Peragus and the many asteroids that surround it, years on after the accident.
When someone talks about Peragus, they are probably talking about the mining colony situated on an asteroid around the planet. Pergaus II's main export was fuel, until an accident lead to a gargantuan explosion that left a massive crater on the planet. The mining colony still exports fuel, but only from the asteroids which were the adverse effect of the explosion. Astronavigation to the planet is extremely dangerous due to the asteroids that surround it, and any ship that wishes to dock with the mining colony requires their astronavigation charts to be updated constantly due to the dangers of floating asteroids


From LibertyWiki

Distance from Core Unknown
Sector Outer Rim Territories
System Japreal
Number of Suns 1
Number of Moons 4
Major species Onderonians
Population Unknown
Surface Water Unknown, probably more than 70%
Affiliation None
Onderon is a fringe planet in the Japreal System. It has a temperate climate, and was once home to a primative race of humanoids. Like so many other fringe planets, they have a natural distrust of aliens. There are four moons around the planet, including Dxun, a jungle moon which once orbitted so close to the planet that the Dxun wildlife could move between the two.

The native Onderonians struggled against the beasts, eventually gathering new technologies and building a huge walled city to protect themselves from the beasts. Later, the Onderonians began to send their criminal element out into the wilderness without any protection from the beasts. These outcasts soon learnt to defend themselves, and eventually formed a second civilization. Relations between the two groups were hostile, and they remained at war with each other for many years.

The Old Republic, seeking to calm the hostilites between the two, finally asked the Jedi to watch over the world. The Jedi Master Arca Jeth became the watchman, and assigned his padawan, Ulic Qel-Droma to the planet. After many years, the war finally ended with marriage of the Onderonian princess Galia and the Beastprince. Although the relationship between the two groups isn't great, there is a mutual respect of each other.

Many years later, Onderon became the base for Sith Lord, Freedon Nadd, to begin founding a new Sith Empire. It is also rumoured that Darth Bane visited the planet several centuries later to find an apprentice


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From LibertyWiki

Distance from Core Unknown
Sector Outer Rim Territories
System Horuset
Number of Suns 1
Number of Moons 7
Major species None
Population None
Surface Water Unknown
Affiliation Sith Empire

Korriban is the only planet within the Horuset System, and is the burial ground of the Sith Empire and as such is a sacred planet for the Sith order. Before Naga Sadow revealed himself, the planet was completely unknown to the Republic. The planet has seven moons, most of which are as desolate as the planet itself.

The Sith Lords erected huge palaces and burial complexes to honor their fallen Dark Lords, but after the fall of the Sith Empire, the planet lost most of its prominence, although when Darth Malak reigned, the planet became home to the settlement of Dreshdae and a Sith training academy. But the planet was again abandoned when Revan killed Malak and the Sith order collapsed into civil war.

From LibertyWiki
Distance from Core Unknown
Sector Outer Rim Territories
System Horuset
Number of Suns 1
Number of Moons 7
Major species None
Population None
Surface Water Unknown
Affiliation Sith Empire

Korriban is the only planet within the Horuset System, and is the burial ground of the Sith Empire and as such is a sacred planet for the Sith order. Before Naga Sadow revealed himself, the planet was completely unknown to the Republic. The planet has seven moons, most of which are as desolate as the planet itself.

The Sith Lords erected huge palaces and burial complexes to honor their fallen Dark Lords, but after the fall of the Sith Empire, the planet lost most of its prominence, although when Darth Malak reigned, the planet became home to the settlement of Dreshdae and a Sith training academy. But the planet was again abandoned when Revan killed Malak and the Sith order collapsed into civil war.



From LibertyWiki

Cities in the trees
Cities in the trees
Kashyyyk is a forest-covered planet, home to the fearsome Wookiees. Wroshyr trees cover the surface, and provide the foundations for the houses of the civilisation. Entire spanning cities remain lifted above the surface of their homeworld. The ground is a dangerous place, which hasn't seen light for many thousands of years, is brimming with dangerous predators. It is said that over the years of evolution, only those who climbed high above the ground, such as the Wookiee's ancestors, survived and prosper, and left other animals behind. This has caused the adverse effect of a "layered death trap" and visiting the surface of the planet is incredibly dangerous. Kashyyyk's runaway plant growth is the result of a malfunctioning terraforming machine left by the Rakata.

Kashyyyk is the principle planet of the Kashyyyk System, which also contains the homeworld of the Trandoshans, Trandosa. The close proximity of these two powerful civilisations has lead to many feuds, and during the Clone Wars, many were killed, and Wookiees were often enslaved by the Trandoshans. The Wookies had to call on the Republic's help in order to overcome the Trandoshans when it was revealed that they had allied with the Confederacy and were using both their weapons and technology.

The Films

Kashyyyk from Episode III
Kashyyyk from Episode III
This planet was first seen in The Star Wars Holiday Special where the storyline takes place, however, in Return of the Jedi, Kashyyyk was going to be the main battleground for a huge battle, however, due to restraints, George Lucas turned it into the Forest moon of Endor and the Wookiees turned into Ewoks. The planet is to be featured in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.
Planet Name: Dathomir
System Name: Dathomir System
Sector: Quelii
Region: Core Worlds
Terrain: Canyons, forests, jagged mountain peaks
Zones: Dathomir Imperial Prison ; Dathomir Science Outpost ; Dathomir Trade Outpost ; Dathomir Survey Outpost ; Sister Dungeon ; Dathomir Battlefield PvP ; Night Sister vs Mountain Clan Battlefield ; Dathomir System
MOBs: See All MOBs, Trainers or Terminals on Dathomir
Items: See All Items on Dathomir

Dathomir is a low-gravity world located in the Quelii sector. The planet is inhabited by the Witches of Dathomir, a group of Force-sensitive women who ride fearsome rancors. These "witches" live in different clans that include a group of darksiders calling itself the Nightsisters. The 'Singing Mountain Clan' and the 'Nightsisters' are at odds with one another - and with visitors who fail to show the proper respect. Visitors can align themselves with either side and benefit from trade with these powerful indigenous creatures.

Dathomir can only be accessed by special charter transports operated by skilled pilots. Its terrain is highly dangerous. Besides rancors, the witches are a constant threat on Dathomir.

Dathomir has not appeared in any of the films, but is an important part of the Star Wars Expanded Universe. It appears in such books as The Courtship of Princess Leia, Darksaber, Star by Star, and Children of the Jedi. Additional information on the planet can be found in reference sources including The Star Wars Encyclopedia. The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons, and LucasArts Entertainment's Behind the Magic. Infinity's End, a story-arc within Dark Horse's ongoing Star Wars comic book series also takes place on Dathomir.
Planet Name: Rori
System Name: Naboo System
Region: Mid Rim
Terrain: Swamp, hills, cities, mountains, grasslands
Zones: Unknown City... ; Narmle ; Restuss ; Mud Beach 2 ; Imperial Military Base ; Borgle Bats Cave ; Cobral Hideout ; Kobola Spice Mine ; Rori Imperial Military Base ; Rori Rebel Military Outpost ; Garyn Raider Bunker ; Gungan Swamptown
MOBs: See All MOBs, Trainers or Terminals on Rori
Items: See All Items on Rori

A moon of Naboo, Rori is an overgrown, wild world dominated by oppressive gray skies, thick jungles, and thick swamps. Unlike Naboo, Rori is not widely populated. In fact, it supports only two small colonies, which are separated by a giant, reed-infested bog.

Rori's history is somewhat contested by Naboo scholars. Some claim that a small contingent of Naboo's original human colonists actually landed on Rori before traveling on to the more temperate parent planet. If this is true, those early settlers left no obvious signs of their stay. Others hold that Rori remained unsettled until a small group of spice miners decided to relocate to the moon in search of fabled spice lodes. Some spice miners do, in fact, inhabit Rori, but they live a primitive lifestyle and have no records of their first landing on the moon.

Whatever the truth, Rori was officially colonized about two thousand years before the Battle of Naboo, during the short-lived reign of King Narmle. Although widely regarded as a charming and intelligent man, Narmle was a restless explorer who spent most of the time visiting distant worlds in search of new vistas. The Naboo Royal Advisory Council soon suggested that Narmle relinquish the throne and become an ambassador. Before leaving office as King, however, Narmle personally planned the construction of a small settlement on Rori. He envisioned that Rori would one day become an active agricultural hub, supplying food and medicines to other neighboring planets. Unfortunately, Rori attracted few settlers. Frustrated, Narmle left Rori and vanished into the Outer Rim forever, although the city he helped build still bears his name.

In the centuries since Narmle's disappearance, Rori's population has grown only slightly. During an outbreak of brainworm rot some two hundred years before the Battle of Naboo, the Advisory Council commissioned the construction of a second spaceport on Rori; this city, known as Restuss, was used for decades as a quarantined processing center for colonists traveling to Naboo. Although both Restuss and Narmle were built by Naboo architects, most of the moon's current colonists have drawn from other, less hospitable worlds, including Irdonia and Ryloth. The Gungans, who colonized the Naboo moon of Ohma-D'un, have also established small outposts on Rori.

The Naboo rulers have typically viewed Rori as an extension of their domain. As a result, Rori does receive regular supplies from Naboo and travel between the moon and its parent planet is routine. Members of the Naboo Royal Security Forces are stationed in both Restuss and Narmle, and Rori's governor sits on the Naboo Royal Advisory Council. The Empire also views Rori as little more than a small Naboo outpost and expects all of the moon's inhabitants to remain loyal to Emperor Palpatine. In reality, Rori's denizens are far more independent than the 'planetary' Naboo and it is believed that the moon harbors some Rebels.
Planet Name: Lok
System Name: Karthakk System
Region: Unknown...
Terrain: Red deserts, sulfur pools, mountains, lava lands
Zones: Nym's Stronghold ; Planes of Lok ; Lok Imperial Outpost ; Karthakk System
MOBs: See All MOBs, Trainers or Terminals on Lok
Items: See All Items on Lok

One of the first planets in the Karthakk system to be colonized, the harsh world of Lok was originally home to outlaws, who saw the world as a potential staging ground for raids into the Mid-Rim. Over time, Lok became known as a "pirate world," where anarchy and violence were the only constants.

Lok has fairly varied terrain, ranging from the dangerous sulfur pools to bubbling lava pits. The landscapes are generally foreboding: jagged mountain ranges, long expanses of baked desert, and desolate flats are typical environments on Lok. The presence of pirates and others is evident in the shipwrecks, burned-out bases, abandoned settlements, and destroyed vehicles that litter the planet.

Before the Battle of Naboo, one of the most prominent leaders on Lok was a Feeorin pirate named Nym. The hardy alien - who has only become more formidable with age - spent many years battling the Trade Federation. He is now a local crime lord, but it is also rumored that he is very sympathetic to the Rebellion…

Players who visit Lok can expect to encounter a wide range of threats, from marauding pirates to the local wildlife, most of which is decidedly dangerous. However, those who prove themselves to Nym will gain access to a number of lucrative and exciting missions

System:  Toci   Population: -17.0000
 Terrain:  fast cities,  Imports:  -40.0000
 Species:  Various pod races  Exports:  - 60.000
 Language:  Basic, various other languages  Other        90,000

pic if possible:

. planet name: nexus

. system- planet location: eg  hoth

. terrain: types of terrains: water

species: pod Race sith tringing

 language: diffant spoken

 population: 349.0000000

. imports- w456.000000 space ships

 exports- 456.0000 pods races

-additional laws, you must be member of sith

. history this is sith plant and home baes

There is a planet, unknown to virtually all civilizations.  A planet to which there are endless routes, but few exits.  A secret world that connects planet upon planet and universe upon universe.  You, brave adventurer, have stumbled upon a portal to this strange land.  You must master it and all others like yourself if you ever hope to survive or sith.






EXPORT 78.0000000000
INPORTS 99999999.00000000000000000000
System: VENUS  Population: -675.0000
 Terrain: MANYcities,  Imports:  -69.00000000
 Species:  POD  races, JEDI TRAING  Exports:  - 890.0000
 Language:  FREACH ,ENGLISH ,DRUISH  Other:  -96.000000


 System:  druidia  Population: -455.0000
 Terrain:  Vast cities,  Imports:  -67.00000000
 Species:  Various races  Exports:  - 7890.0000
 Language:  Basic, various other languages  Other:  -456.000000



Sent: 5/13/2005 6:45 PM



 System: Corell  Population:  15 billion
 Terrain: Urban and non Urbab areas  Imports: -
 Species: Various races  Exports:  -
 Language: Basic  Other:  -

Since the inception of the Republic, Corellia has always proudly followed its own path, occasionally at the expense of the larger galactic community. It is a fiercely independent world governing a fiercely independent sector that has traditionally been inward-looking, detached from seismic political events that have reshaped the galaxy time and again.

Corellia and four other planets orbit the star of Corell in the Corellian sector. The entire system is an astrophysical curiosity, an enigmatic relic possibly left behind by an incredibly advanced ancient culture. As unlikely as it seems, all five planets are habitable, and floating between the fifth and sixth planets -- Tralus and Talus, the Double Worlds -- is an immense artifact known as Centerpoint Station. It is an unimaginably ancient device floating at the gravitic balance point between both worlds. Some xenoarchaeologists posit that Centerpoint was employed by an ancient, incredibly powerful culture to move the planets of the Corellian system into place.

Corellia is known as the "Elder Brother" of the system, serving as the administrative center not only for its "Brother planets" Drall, Selonia, Talus and Tralus, but also the entire sector. The planet is governed by a Diktat, while the sector itself was represented in the Galactic Senate by a Senator.

Corellia is a beautiful world of fields, forests and seas. Despite its age and influence in Galactic affairs, it has not become a completely urbanized city planet like Coruscant. Corellians take pride in the open expanses of razor grass fields and unpolluted sandy beaches. Their solution to urban overgrowth was in moving shipbuilding facilities off-planet. The shipyards of such monolithic companies as the Corellian Engineering Corporation are immense, producing such famous vessels as Corellian CR90 corvettes, Republic cruisers and the ubiquitous YT-series freighters.

Corellia's cluster of continents are bracketed by two huge oceans, an eastern and western one. The capital city of Coronet lies on a coastal front along the Golden Beaches, with other cities such as Bela Vistal and Tyrena. Though the planetary population has fluctuated during the decades of the Galactic Civil War, it numbered over 15 billion, with Coronet being the largest single concentration of citizenry. Scattered inland are a number of small towns and farming hamlets.

Though Coronet was a bustling city, it was filled with parks, plazas and open-air trading stalls, indicative of the Corellian love of wide open spaces. One of the most popular locales was Treasure Ship Row, an garishly eclectic bazaar filled with a complex tapestry of alien cultures.

The native species of the Corellian system -- humans, Selonians and Drall -- could be found throughout Coronet. Selonians preferred to live beneath the surface of the planet, in complex warrens and tunnels that date back to pre-Republic times. Also located beneath Corellia's soil is an ancient planetary repulsor, further evidence of the planet having been relocated by an unknown alien force in the far distant past.

The Corellian system was wealthy enough to afford its own fleet and security forces. Corellians has a cultural wariness towards big galactic government. Though one of the founding worlds of the Republic, Corellia has fostered a tradition of independence, and has attempted to vie for separation from the union more than once.


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