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starwars qoutes

Mace- "Anakin, you're on this Council, but we do not grant you the rank of Master."

Kenobi looks away from Anakin's reaction.

Anakin- "What?"

Mace- “Anakin, we have put you on the Council as the Chancellor requested and this is your first assignment. You must keep an eye on the Chancellor. Report any suspicious activities directly to me. Obi-Wan will hunt down General Grievous and bring him here."

After the Council, Yoda, Kenobi, and Mace Windu ride in a gunship and talk of the outcome of the wars, the state of the Republic and this new dilemma.

Kenobi- “I suspect the Chancellor knows more about the General than he is saying.”

Mace- “I don't trust him."

Kenobi- “Anakin trusts him.”

Mace- "Very dangerous putting them together. I don't think the boy can handle it ..."

Outside, the next day, Anakin sees Obi-Wan off.

Anakin- "I apologize for my disrespect Master."

Kenobi- "It's alright Anakin ... I understand. Keep an eye on the Chancellor and remember your training."

Kenobi takes off in a new starfighter with a new bronze astromech droid R4-G9, and flies away.

The Jedi have another meeting in the Council chambers. Anakin is not present.

Yoda- “It appears that things are turning against us ... and the Dark Side is growing stronger.”

Ki Adi Mundi hologram- “You mean this “Darth Sidious” Count Dooku spoke of?”

Yoda- “Possibly ..."

Mace- “Do you think Dooku told the truth about the Sith being inside the Republic?”

Yoda- “Time will tell. But we must keep our eyes open and watch."

Ki Adi Mundi hologram- "Our clone regiment is enroute to Mygeeto. We will quell any Separatist forces there."

Yoda- “Reports say the Kashyyyk system is under attack. I will go there myself and see to things."

Mace- “I will speak to the Chancellor and try to assess any knowledge he may have in these matters. If I can, I will also speak with young Skywalker.”

Yoda later departs with a clone regiment and heads for Kashyyyk. Mace Windu sees him off.

Bail Organa confers with Mace Windu in his chambers on Coruscant. Their conversation is not cheerful.

Mace- “Hmm ... More and more the Sith clouds our vision. We must be careful.

Organa- “If the Chancellor is against us ... then we haven't much time."

 Obi-Wan- "Now let's get a move on, we still have a battle to win here."

Commander- "Yes sir."

In the Chancellor's Office, Palpatine talks to Anakin. Palpatine begins to tell Anakin that he can have anything he wants; all he has to do is wish it and act accordingly. He also claims he can help Anakin to save Padme.

Palpatine- "Darth Plagueis was real."

Anakin- "Real?..."

Palpatine- "Darth Plagueis was my master. He taught me the key to his power ..."

Suddenly, Palpatine's voice turned cold and old.

Palpatine- "... before I killed him."

Vader- "Yes Master?"

Sidious- "... Riiiiiiise.”

Sidious gives Vader a new mission. He tells Vader to activate the beacon that tells all the Jedi Knights to return to the Capitol. He instructs Vader in a plan to take advanced clone squads, invade the Jedi Temple and capture all the Jedi to be put on trial. He is to kill any who resist.

Sidious- "Every single Jedi is now an enemy of the Republic ... Do what must be done. Do not hesitate ... Show no mercy ..."
Tion- “May you complete your mission successfully."

Kenobi- "Yes ... thank you for your assistance."

Obi-Wan sneaks to Grievous' starfighter and leaves for Coruscant

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On Mustafar, Anakin's eyes turn yellow, non-human. Padme turns around to see Obi-Wan walking towards them.

Obi-Wan- ”Padme, move away from him.”

Padme- "Obi-Wan? No!”

She turns back to her husband only to find him looking at her with intense anger.

Anakin- ”You ... you brought him here?!”

Suddenly, Padme begins to gasp ... Anakin uses the Force to choke her. Anakin tells her how much he loved her as Padme desperately tries to breathe.

Obi-Wan- ”Let her go.”

Anakin- ”You're not going to take her away from me!”

Padme faints. Obi-Wan races over and checks Padme's pulse. Anakin offers Obi-Wan a chance to leave. But Obi-Wan is on a mission to destroy the Sith. As Threepio and Artoo drag Padme's body up to the ship, the fight to destroy Vader begins. A heated shouting match erupts between Kenobi and Vader inside a darkened control room with underlit floor panels and flashing control screens.

Vader- “The Jedi are weak! And you are a fool!”

He ignites his lightsaber and a blue glow appears in the darkness. Vader attacks his former master. A bright, blue light flashes up as the blow is parried. Kenobi flips backwards onto a conference table. As he rights himself Vader grabs Obi-Wan's saber arm at the wrist and throttles him with the other hand. He pushes Obi-Wan down onto his back, choking and forcing Kenobi's own blue saber ruthlessly towards his face. Obi-Wan finally kicks Vader away and throws a punch into his eye. The ground begins to shake and fiery lava explosions rock the terrain. The two Jedi try to keep their footing as a mechanical floor moves underneath them, moving them out into a large, open area. Strong gusts of wind blow and debris flies everywhere. Vader slashes a flying piece of scrap metal that almost beheads him. Super-heated jets of steam block their path as Obi-Wan lowers his saber and tries to reason with Vader.

Kenobi- “Fight it. Don’t give in to the Dark Side.”

Vader- “You are unwise to lower your defenses!”

Darth Vader lashes out trying to cut Obi-Wan down. Kenobi blocks his strike. As they jump to a platform, Vader slices through the suspension cables and the platform plummets to the ground. The two Jedi jump up at the last second grabbing onto the loose cables. They swing back and forth, sword fighting as they connect. They eventually make their way to other parts of the factory where they battle in the fiery-red light. The fight changes momentum several times, the Jedi throw each other into control panels and several panels and displays are destroyed by saber strokes.

Kenobi- “Anakin, I don’t want to fight you.”

Vader- “I don’t fear death ... the Dark Side is my ally now.”

Kenobi aims a decapitating swing at Vader who ducks it at the last second. Laughing in Obi-Wan's face, Darth delivers a crushing back-hand blow to his former Master. While Vader grapples with him Obi-Wan delivers a fierce uppercut to the side of his head. Kenobi presses his attack forcing Vader off of a walkway and into the darkness below. Obi-Wan turns his saber off and looks for a way down. As the fires on Mustafar grow, Obi-Wan Kenobi creeps tensely through the complex. Suddenly an electric roar splits the air next to Obi-Wan's head and the smoky room.

Darth Vader flips and leaps around Kenobi. The fight leads them to a platform high above large pools of molten lava. The two Jedi take turns teetering on the brink, but lightning reflexes save them both. Vader becomes reckless and hateful, trying to beat down Obi-Wan’s guard. The ground spasms as the volcanic planet shakes to its foundations. Obi-Wan pleads with Vader one last time.

Kenobi- “It's not too late Anakin."

Vader- “You know nothing of the Force. I command powers that you will never understand."

Anger seething within him, there is no stopping Darth's assault. Kenobi is hard pressed to defend himself against the whirling, twisting strikes. As Obi-Wan backs away, Vader uses the Force to hurl bits of scrap and chunks of metal ore at him.

Obi-Wan leaps to a small droid-platform that acts as a transport across the lava flows. Obi-Wan controls it with the Force. Vader jumps onto his own platform and races after Kenobi. They duel back and forth trying to balance on the platforms.

Obi-Wan dives into a forward roll that ends up with him on the rim of a low cliff, just above the soft black sand of a lava riverbank. Anakin snarls at Obi-Wan, realising he has been tricked. He leaps off his droid at Obi-Wan's back but is half a second too slow.

Obi-Wan whirls to parry Anakin, but his saber doesn't meet Anakin's blade. Instead, he slices off Anakin's leg at the knee. Then he slices of the other leg at the knee. And while Anakin is still in the air, Obi-Wan uses his blade to slice off Anakin's left arm above the elbow. He steps back as Anakin falls.

Anakin drops his lightsaber, clawing at the edge of the cliff with his mechanical hand, but his grip becomes too powerful for the lava bank and the edge crumbles, and he slides down onto the black sand. His severed legs and his severed arm rolls into the lava below him and immediately burns.

Anakin claws at the soft black sand, but his struggling only makes him slip farther. The sand itself is hot; digging his mechanical arm into it burns off his glove, and his robes begin to smolder. Obi-Wan picks up Anakin's lightsaber. He lifts his own as well and weighs them in his hands. Anakin had based his design upon Obi-Wan's and thus they appear very similar.

Vader- "Obi-Wan...?"

Vader pleads from the riverbank. Obi-Wan looks down. Vader's Jedi robes burn and his hair is blackened.

Kenobi- "You were the chosen one! It was said you would destroy the Sith, not join them. It was you who would bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness. You were my brother, Anakin, I loved you, but I could not save you."

Above in the sky, Obi sees the Theta class shuttle entering the atmosphere.

Suddenly, Darth Vader bursts into flame. Vader screams ...

Vader- "I hate you!!"

Obi-Wan turns, not wanting to go against the Jedi Code and murder, walks away.

On board the Tantive IV, Yoda's mind is flooded with horrible visions of pain and death. Yoda slowly opens his tear filled eyes.

Yoda- "The end ... and the beginning."

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From: MSN NicknameShakyJEDI_MASTER_padme Sent: 5/14/2005 8:01 AM

Famous Quotes

Would somebody get this walking carpet out of my face - Leia

There is a great disterbence in the force - Emperor

But I was going down to Toshi Station to pick up some power convertors - Luke

Shut up farm boy or you are goin' to find yourself floating home on an asteroid - Han

Run Luke Run - Ben

Mud hole! My home this is - Yoda

Yoda you seek Yoda - Yoda

That's because droids don't pull your arms out of their sockets when they lose - Han

Who's scruffy lookin' - Han

I am not as forgiving as the Emperor - Vader

I have a very bad feeling about this - Luke

I have a bad feeling about this - Han

What a new smell you discovered - Han

What do you think ... a guy like me and a girl like her - Han

I'd just as soon kiss a wookie - Leia

What a piece of junk - Luke

Everything is going as I have foreseen - Emperor

Do. or do not. There is no try - Yoda

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