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jedi masters

Name: mace
Age: 43
Race: human
Gender: mail
Height: 9/5
Weight 129
Faction: New Republic/jedi
Job: jedi
pets: dog
Strength: verystrong
Speed: fast
Dexterity: n/a
Force Sensitivity: n/a
Skills: fright, ploting
Force Moves: n/a
Weapons: lightsabor
Armour: stell
Starship(s) a wing
Other Vehicles: snowspeeder
Other Items: n/a
Bio: he liveswith rest of jedi
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Qui-Gon Jinn 
Name: Qui-Gon Jinn

Name meaning: Dooku says it means 'life after death' and a jinn is a type of genie
home planet: Toci 
species: human 
hair: brown 
eyes: blue 
lightsaber: green

Height: Unknown
friends: Tahl, Obi-Wan, Clee, Binn, Somti, Plo, at one point Xanatos, and a few others 

Father: Richard-Gon Jinn
Mother: Jennifer-Gon Jinn
Wife: Arina-Gon Jinn
Daughter: Monica-Gon Jinn
Master: He's had two -Karshan and Dooku 
Padawans: Xanatos and Obi-Wan 
personality: compassionate, wise, reckless, stubborn, kind, powerful, sometimes self-centered, does not deal well with loss 
A powerful jedi who learned from Yoda, Ben fought in the Clone Wars . He is one of the few jedi left and he trained Anikan Skywalker (Darth Vader). He showed Luke the ways of the force before getting killed by Vader. But he was still part of the force and told Luke to go to Yoda to complete his Training
Full Name-jedi_prinecss_padme
amidala skywalker
Favorite-(PEOPLE) the jedis
Favorite Place-courscent
Favorite Things- she loves to read and enjoy life she verthought and smart
Favorite Color-blue
planet lives on plant naboo
Powers- Telekinesis

Astral Projection


Gender: FEMale

Height: 9 2"

Weight (Lbs): 125


Born Padmé Naberrie, Queen Amidala was the formal name of the royal leader of Naboo. As a child, Amidala was prodigiously talented and extremely well educated. She had long been interested in public service, volunteering in the Refugee Relief Movement in her youth. Her efforts helped in the Shadda-Bi-Boran exodus. At the age of eight, she joined the Apprentice Legislature and became an Apprentice Legislator at age 11. By 14, she was elected Queen of Naboo.
1.65 meters
royal pistol
Naboo Royal (Queen's) Starship, Naboo Royal Cruiser, Naboo yacht
Galactic Senate

Plo Koon:

Plo Koon is a Kel Dor Jedi Master from the planet Dorin, he has highly developed extrasensory organs that enhance his Jedi mind powers to atypical levels. Plo Koon must use special devices to protect his sensitive eyes and nostrils from Coruscant's oxygen-rich atmosphere. Plo Koon is a master of the light side of the force, Plo Koon has extreme strength but limited speed. Color of lightsaber is yellow.


YODA- A Jedi Master who trains Luke the ways of the force. Being his teacher he teaches Luke to control himself , but at a time when the darkside will come for Luke he makes the path to leave , but he comes back and completes the training
YODA- A Jedi Master who trains Luke the ways of the force. Being his teacher he teaches Luke to control himself , but at a time when the darkside will come for Luke he makes the path to leave , but he comes back and completes the training
Full Name-Anikin SKYWALER
Parents- dead
Favorite Place-earth
Favorite Things-fight
Favorite Color-blue
drodis;R2 AND 3PO
Favorite Things To Do-loves  hanggwith his big bro

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6. Aria Sarko


Age:22, Gender:Female, Political affiliation:Jedi order, Homeworld:Ry'loth, Species:Twi'lek, Eye color:Brown, Hair color:None (blue lekku), WOC:lightsaber(purple blade), SOC:Jedi starfighter V.2

Bio: She was born to a large twi'lek family. The Republic had been a member world for generations. They later lost that membership during the reign of the empire. Once it was toppled they regained their status in the Republic. Her family later moved to Nar Shadaa once she was 4. Her father was murdered by a bounty hunter, named Venin Oxtar, who was chasing after him for a few years. Aria, her mother, and her sisters were sold as dancers to various underworlders. Her remaining family fled back to Ry'loth. The force was with Aria as a small group of jedi rescued her on a mission to prevent a superweapon from getting into the hands of her deranged master. She was trained up to the rank of padawan but has yet to be given a master. She had run into trouble when she started out as a jedi, by using the force against a non-force attuned human. He was nearly killed and she was close to being kicked out of the order. Ian had stuck up for her and got her out of the situation by proving the human had provoked the attack. She found out what happened to Ian and has decided to help his friends in his rescue with or without the consent of the jedi council.......AND JEDI KINTHS.

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