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jedi knights

. Philos Vaxzalent        




 Politcal affiliation:Jedi order/light side,


 Eye color:blue, Hair

color: black,

Weapon of choice: Lightsaber(blue blade),

Ship of choice: Jedi Starfighter V.2.

Bio: Philos was born on Correlia, but for most of his life he was on his father's space freighter. Since he was a little boy he had a strong influence of the force. His parents knew this, that is why his father became a pilot. To keep his son away from the jedi. His parents did not agree with the jedi or the jedi arts. By the age of 10 Philos had grown very ignorant and his parents grew tired of it. His father died when  in an engine exploded, that also left their ship litereally helpless in space. They waited for days, his mother fell ill from the cold. Finally they were picked up by a republician space crusier. When they arrived, his mother went into a intensive care. When the jedi realized his intuition of the force they offered him a chance to join the order. He refused them because his mother would not allow it. His mother kept getting worse and worse, until when Philos was 13, she died. It was then that the jedi offered him one last time, and through all his depression and sorrow of losing his mother accepted. It was then that he began the long path of becoming a jedi. He became a padawan at the age of 17. He was a superb duelist and impressed even the oldest of the jedi masters. He mastered every form of dueling, except the challenging form VII. He has made it a point to master it once he reaches the rank of knight. He was assigned to Ian Core, shortly after his master was killed by an ancient enemy of the jedi of old. He feels sorry for his young master, knowing he had never been the same since his master was brutally killed in front of him. He is loyal to Ian through and through and will follow him to the ends of the galaxy. He agreed to his masters impulsive desiscion to find an "old friend". They both race off to find him, unbeknowest to the entire jedi order........

Name: Alec solo

Age: 12

Race: human

Gender: mail

Height: 9/2

Weight 125

Faction: drak jedi padwon/sith

Job: drak jedi padwon

Skills: ploiting

Weapons: lightsabor

Starship: y wing

Vehicles: tiefighter




RANK:jedi padwon







Family- his grandpa his dad his mom and therest of is relitives


Friends- jan is wife to be




CHARACTER BIO AND HISTORY:he is son of bobby solo who is son of han solo


Character quotes:

" you're on this Council, but we do going grant you the rank of Master

Luke Skywalker ( Mark Hamill ) and Yoda ( Frank Oz ) in 20th Century Fox's The Empire Strikes Back

Character Name: Malik
Age: 35
Species: Corellian
Gender: FeMale
Eyes: Clear Grey
Hair: Black
Height: 6' 8”
Weight: 198 lbs

Physical description: Rough Looking male with a Series of Scars on his face and always sporting at least a days growth of facial hair. Wears slim line mirrored sunglasses that are smart linked. ((Basically much like Tony Lee Jones in Platoon wearing much the same outfit as Han Solo with color differences))

Black Trousers with yellow or red Corellian Blood Stripes, Black spacers shirt, Black nerf hide vest. Various pieces of armor worn depending on his mission. Dual shoulder and thigh holsters. Single rifle sling. 4 smart linked custom Firearms, The Smart link creates a HUD in the Mirrored shades or any helmet he owns but not one he don't own unless spends time modifying the visor input.

Occupation(s): Intergalactic Bounty Hunter and Soldier of Fortune

Born in Coronet City 30 standard years ago, to a very wealth upper class family that were once known for their military Officers in thier family background as well as their service to the empire and to the Corporate Sector.

His family was killed when he was 10 roughly during the upheavals of the new republic and the end of the Vong and Jedi wars.

His parents were killed for being on the wrong side of the conflicts end, while a few rogue jedi looking for peace brigade fanatics, after their Vong masters had been killed, they were executed along with the crew on the ship. Malik had hidden in an escape pod that was jetisoned by an automatic firing sequence just before the ship was destroyed.

Malik spent his life on the streets learing everything he could to survive and be the meanest thing out there, because his hatred is what survived until he was 17.

He joined the last imperial remenant in bastion when he had stolen and hustled and bullied enough money to get a low class cargo passage to bastion.

Malik hates ALL users of the force and has dedicated his life to killing those that use the force in any wayto the extent that he has developed his own personal way of stopping this threat with his projectile weapons.

He has been in battles that had force users involved and saw them absorb energy and redirect it to kill their shooters, so he worked long and hard and with his expertise in explosives and armor repair and Firearms and weapons alterations, he developed his Jedi stopping armament.

He uses shot guns and rapid firing projectile pistols. Most of them with either scatter shot or slugs filled with detonite in hopes that jedi will attempt to block thus destroying himself and those around him in the ensuing blast.

He has successfully engaged 5 force users and killed them but in the process has been electrocuted and nearly had his larynx crushed twice leaving him with a very grating voice.

He found out that even the jedi masters can not dodge the scatter shot and can not simply use the force to redirect all of the shot.

He is well pleased with his actions and seeks the group of Jedi that came through Corellia chasing the last remenants of the Vong forces. His reason was due to the jedi chasing the vong his family was in the wrong place at the right time and were killed.

Service History:
Served from Age 17-20 with the last reminant of the empire as a special forces stormtrooper on Bastion

Served from Age 20-30 he served with the elite heavy special forces that were at one time the picking ground for the emperors personal guards until he had a falling out with his commander and he was found dead on the battle field training exercise later that month. Malik couldnt be proved to have anything to do with it but he was removed from service.

With his wages and entire savings in credits he bought the Harbringer and started bounty hunting and found that he was very good at this endevor he soon made a literal killing and he spent everything on weapons armor and the Harbringer to upgrade it to its current specifications which are still a bit away from where he wants them to be.

Served the highest bidder from 30 till present with his skills for hire on the open market after the end of the Vong War. He made a lot of money and many enemies for thier was many people being hunted at the end of the war, from the remanants of the peace brigade to you high level military people and administrators who made people in places of money mad during the Vong war.

He is now serving himself in this near chaotic galaxy, the Republic still has not totaly rebuilt itself the Imperial remanant is steady shrinking.

The new leadership looks to possibly in the future a collage of old eniemies if possible to get together and work things out if not or if so made no difference to Malik he was there for the money and that was it.

Family- Dead

Friends- Dead

Enemies- His marks and their friends and anyone showing force powers or any remanant Vong he may ever run across

4 Custom Made Projectile Firearms Pistols that fire shells that are laced with detonite.

2 Custom Made Scatter shot Firearm Rifle type

1 Custom Long range silent High powered solid projectile opticaly enhanced rifle type Firearm

Several sets of regular blasters and other energy weapons in his armory for the regular every day type criminal or mark.

Personal Armor:
Several sets most are piece mail but he does have one full Jedi hunting set he uses when there rumors of jedi around. its composition is from a rare mineral deposite found on Ossus and a few other pre new republic worlds called cortosis since it has realy two very peculiar properties
1.) it is highly heat absorbative and energy absorbative
2.) it is impervious to lightsabers for about three hits, if in the same place, afterwards that spot is weakened enough for the saber to cut through. Though a difficult task to undertake at the force user's own risk.

The other sets he might have anywhere from 10 - 50% cortosis pieces in them just for the unexpected jedi.

One Corellian YT 2400 Medium Freighter "The Harbringer" Heavily modified to be his workshop, home, his enemies temporary jail.

The Engines were hevily modify to make it able to elude a lot of the system patrol craft.

The armor has been modified much as the weaponry as he wants to beable to not only capture or kill his marks but keep them from other hunters if they are high money marks.

He also owns a few other odds and end speeders and land craft that he can use on site most have some kind of weapons and armor ability.

One Assault Droid Named "Dante" that Basically keeps his haven clear of any intruders. Model type: Unknown Custom robot found in the one of the lower levels of the Emperors Palace on Byss after Darth Vaders and The Emperor's Demise.

It is suspected that the droid was a sparing partner for the Late Darth Vader at one time as it was virtually disassembled and nearly destroyed and Malik took years to rebuild it and recover it.

It is still a work in process that is 90 % finished and needs an outer shell and armor and he has a few extra light sabers on hand from his earlier conquests.

Special talents:
Unbeknownst to Malik he is himself touched by the force and is quite sensitive to it but he will put it off to scoundrels luck and never acknowledge that the force has anything to do with him and will probably attempt to hurt the person that claims this.

His hatred of the force users and his single minded goal of revenge in one form or fashion. to this end he will work for anyone anytime for money or anything to do with a jedi or some form of Vong hunt.

Rule #1 Never ask about Names
Rule #2 50 / 50 split in monetary funds
Rule #3 Dont ask and Dont tell
Rule #4 No Kids

Character quotes: Welcome to the Harbringer and let the droid win if you play Chess

Name: Ryan Ralter

Age: 22

Race: human

Gender: mail

Height: 9/3

Weight 123

Faction: jedi padwan

Job: jedi padwan


Skills: fighting

Weapons: red blad lightsabor

Starship: starfrigher

Vehicles: x wing



Lovelife: leia

RANK:jedi padwan







Family- dack is brother



Emperor Palatine /



CHARACTER BIO AND HISTORY:ryan has twin bro dack hang outalot


Character quotes:

don't make me repeat myself, boyo

player's favorite quotes:

Anakin, you're on this Council, but we do not grant you the rank of Master


Jaina Solo
Species Human
Gender Female
Hair color Brown
Eye color Brown
Home planet Coruscant
Affiliation Jedi, New Republic, Rogue Squadron, Twin Suns Squadron
Film portrayer none

Jaina Solo (b. 9 ABY), is the eldest child of Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo, and the older twin of Jacen Solo. Even before she and her brother were born, their uncle Luke Skywalker could sense their strong presence in the Force and the two share an almost inseperable mental bond.

Spoiler warning: Plot or ending details follow.
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Early Years

The older Solo twin was born near the end of the Thrawn Crisis on Coruscant, five minutes before her younger brother Jacen. The twins, and eventually their younger brother Anakin were sent to live at various safe havens for their first few years, under the protection of Winter. A majority of their time was spent on New Alderaan and Anoth.

The twins returned to Coruscant at age 3 and had many a (mis)adventure there. They once became lost in the underworld of Imperial City with C-3PO but were quickly rescued and returned to their mother, the Chief-of-State of the New Republic. Jaina even once helped her brother defend their unconcious uncle from the dark spirit of Exar Kun, the only people able to see the long-dead fallen Jedi that was attacking the Jedi Master.

Jedi Academy

When she was old enough, Jacen travelled to Yavin 4 with her brother to begin her Jedi training. Jaina was an exceptional pilot and enjoyed building things, especially working on ships. She and her brother befriended Lowbacca and the warrior princess Tenel Ka, learning Jedi techniques quickly and going through many trials even as young teens.

Shadow Academy

In their exploration of the jungle near Luke's Jedi Academy, Jacen and Jaina discovered a crashed TIE Fighter from the Battle of Yavin. Jaina decided to fix the ship and install a hyperdrive which had been given to her as a gift by her father, a new machine to tinker with. She began working on the damaged fighter with help from Jacen, Lowie, and Tenel Ka until all were held captive by the TIE's original pilot, Qorl, who had been living in the jungle for 19 years. They eventually escaped, but so did Qorl, leaving the jungle moon behind and searching for any remnants of the Empire.

(Missing image)
Jaina Solo

Qorl would discover the Shadow Academy, a training ground for Dark Jedi under the command of one of Luke Skywalker's fallen students, Brakiss and the remains of the Dathomiri Nightsisters. These elements of the so-called Second Imperium managed to kidnap Jacen, Jaina and Lowbacca, but they were resistent to the temptations of the dark side and were rescued by Luke Skywalker and Tenel Ka.

The friends returned to Coruscant for a short vacation, and were reunited with the twins' childhood friend Zekk. They were happy to see the young man, but the boy was soon recruited by the Shadow Academy, who discovered before the twins that the boy had Force potential. Zekk would be forced to fight Jacen and Jaina several times, and Jaina was the most worried about the young man she concidered more than just a friend. She constantly tried to bring Zekk to her side, but was initially unable to succeed. T

he twins and their friends finally progressed far enough to be tasked with building their first lightsabers.

Not long later, the Jedi trainees and the Shadow Academy would have their final confrontation on Yavin 4. The twins, with the help of their peers at the Jedi Academy, Luke, and Zekk would bring down the Shadow Academy and the Second Imperium forever.

AGE 22

Gender: MAIL

Height: 9/8

Weight 126

Faction: JEDI






Starship:Y WING

Doirds: 3PO

pets: RATS

Lovelife:Callista Airel Skywalker









Name: Corran Antilles
Rank: Captain
Height: 6 feet 4 inches = 1.93 m
Birthplace: Corellia
Age: 32
Hair: Dark-brown
Eyes: Brown
Callsign: Rogue Leader or Rogue 1
Pilot nick name: Skippy
Ship: Incom T-65 B X-wing
Favourite weapon: Double-sided lightsaber

Corran was born on Corellia as the first child of Hal and Maeve Antilles. His father was an inspector for Corellian Security, his mother worked in the research of the Museum of Corellian History (one of the reasons that Corran learned fluent Old Corellian when he was older), the Antilles family owned a house right at the Golden Beach, in a suburb of Coronet City, the capital of the planet.

As Corran was almost 3 years old his father had to escort a Corellian Ambassador to Alderaan for a few months. Because of the civil commotion in the Republic, caused through Palpatine’s self-appointment as the galaxy’s Emperor, it seemed safer for Maeve and their little son to stay on their home-planet. One of Corran’s earliest memories was that his mother argued to his father via the holo-net while this time. Corran didn’t understood the meaning of the words, but he saw, that there was a sadness around his mother. But the few bad memories faded soon, because the positive ones outweighed them. As only grandchild to his paternal grandparents Ronan and Chiara and only nephew to his Uncle Janson, his father’s younger brother, Corran was spoiled almost too much. And as his father returned home the normality of a harmonic family life was back soon.

Already with 5 years Corran discovered his love for flying. His uncle was babysitting him for a three days, while his parents were on a weekend trip. But Janson wasn’t a babysitter in a traditional way. He didn’t sat at home with his nephew. No. He took him to a club, where the unrestricted pilots did meet in their leisure time. Corran loved it to be among the tall Corellian pilots with their laughter and their stories about strange planets for him. While Janson took advantage of that one of the women thought, that it was cute, that he was watching his nephew, one of the pilots sat Corran more jokingly than serious into one of the flight simulators. Corran could hardly reach all of the controls, but as the simulation started, he felt more than did know, what to do. And the audience of hardboiled spacers was surprised by what they saw. There was this child in pre-school age flying like an old ace through the battle sim. Janson was smiling widely, telling everybody, that this was his nephew. But after the simulation was over, he did took Corran aside, asking him if he had done something like that before. Corran did shook his head. “But how could you...” Janson frowned. “I did know it somehow.” Corran answered simply.

Since that day it was Corran’s wish to become a pilot. And Janson took him to the club, whenever it was possible. Corran enjoyed the time, when Janson did teach him how to fly correctly and not only by instinct. And then there were some changes at home and he wasn’t the only child anymore. There was now his younger sister Sasha, who was now the baby of the family. And suddenly he was an older brother, who visited the first grade of school. All the more he was happy about the attention the pilots in the club paid him. Corran was like a mascot to them and it was not important to him, that they did win money, when he did flew against a newcomer. Because of how Corran looked when he sat in a simulator, with a too big helmet on his head, a concentrated look on his face, his Uncle named him “Skippy” after the sidekick of a Corellian cartoon superhero. Corran always wanted to be rather the superhero himself, but then his uncle tousled Corran’s dark hair, telling him that he, Corran, was only the sidekick to him, Janson.

The first real bad experience of his life happened as Corran was 7. He was waiting for Janson to come back to Corellia from one of his journeys. But he didn’t appeared on the day, he had told Corran as his day of return. As Corran wanted to ask, where his uncle was, he saw a mix of anger, grief and frustration in his father’s eyes. Then he hugged him, telling him in a low voice, that Janson was dead. Corran couldn’t believe that he heard. That was impossible. Corran was sure, that Janson would return soon. But the weeks passed and there was so sign of his uncle. The weeks became months and the memory of his uncle began to fade slowly as the life went on. Years passed by and Corran became an average Corellian teenager. His interest was still directed to star ships, but he had rarely the chance to fly. So he was tinkering with swoops and, because the Antilles family lived right at the ocean, hoversurfboards, always anxious to make them faster.

His 6 years younger sister Sasha was often following him like a little dog and it annoyed Corran, because she had a talent to embarrass him in front of his friends, who were calling her “Corran’s shadow”. There was a healthy sibling rivalry between Corran and Sasha. They often fought about things at home and Sasha managed it through causing a drama, that Corran was the dumb in the end. He hated it, when his parents told him to be more reasonable, because he was the older one. Lines like “the smarter one gives in” drove him crazy.

Enter content here

Name: Ralter, Dack

Age: 23


Gender: MALE

Height: 9/3

Weight 125

Faction: JEDI







Starship: X WING




Lovelife: MARA










Name: Faryon Solo
Species: Human
Homeworld: Coruscant
Current Whereabouts: Outer Rim Territories


Faryon is the only son of Fara and Elias Solo. Both of his parents were killed during an insurrection on Dalis VII when he was eight years old. Raised by his grandfather, Siluri Solo, on Coruscant, he struggled to live up to his grandfather's high standards. Tried, but failed. Siluri had single-handedly built his shipping outfit into one of the most powerful trading companies in the Core Worlds, so when Faryon announced his ambition to become a pilot for the New Republic, Siluri was understandably disappointed. His response was to cast Faryon out from the family home and cut him off from the wealth he had become accustomed to. Coming from a rich background and raised among Coruscant's elite, Faryon's fall was far from easy.
For several years, Faryon was a pirate in the outer rim, staying one step away from absolute poverty and starvation only with his piloting skills. When the opportunity came to join a rather disreputable mercenary outfit, he jumped at it, seeing anything as a step up from pirating.
It was here that he met CorSec operative Corran Antilles, who was undercover. When Corran saved Faryon's life during apprehension of a murderer, a friendship was born. (Read about it here.)
However, the lives of a mercenary and a CorSec operative are not particularly compatible, and the two lost touch. Faryon continued to pilot for the mercs, on substandard ships, held together by sheer willpower and rubber bands, while he waited for his grandfather to relent and allow him to come home.
On one such mission he encountered an itinerant jedi, Drallak Kenobi. The two travelled together for a while, even to piloting together during Drallak's shortlived stint in the legendary Rogue Squadron under now captain Corran Antilles.
Following the devastating events of the Battle of Ithor, Faryon retired from active service. He now resides on Coruscant, where he is slowly learning to take up the reins of his grandfather's shipping business.


Name: Lars, Owen

Age: 20


Gender: MAIL

Height: 9/8

Weight 126





Starship: V WING


Doirds: R4 AND 3PO













Lars, Beru

Age: 18

Race: human

Gender: femail

Height: 9/4

Weight 125

Faction: rebble

Job: rebble fighter

powers: n/a


skills: fighting

Weapons: gun

Starship: tie boomer

Vehicles: snowspeeder

Items: n/a

Doirds: R2


Lovelife:Lars, Owen HER HUSBAND











Name: Patricia solo

Age: 20

Race: human

Gender: femail

Height: 9/4

Weight 125

Faction: Jedi
Job: Jedi

power: teleakness


Speed: fast

Skills: fighting

Weapons: lightsabor

Starship: n/a

Vehicles: pod race

Items: blaster

Doirds: r 4

pets: many spiders

Lovelife: sigle




APPEARANCE: she has blond hair and blue eyes


weres a dress

STRENGTHS: very strong

FORCE STRENGTHS: realy strong



CHARACTER BIO AND HISTORY: she is leia and han's son anakin's  wife

Jacen Solo

Jacen Solo holding a lightsaber
Jacen Solo
Species Human
Gender Male
Hair color Brown
Eye color Brown
Home planet Coruscant
Affiliation Jedi, New Republic
Film portrayer None

Jacen Solo (b. 9 ABY), is the eldest son of Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo, and the younger twin of Jaina Solo. Even before he and his sister were born, their uncle Luke Skywalker could sense their strong presence in the Force and the two share an almost inseperable mental bond.

Spoiler warning: Plot or ending details follow.
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Early Years

The younger Solo twin was born near the end of the Thrawn Crisis on Coruscant, five minutes after his sister Jaina. The twins, and eventually their younger brother Anakin were sent to live at various safe havens for their first few years, under the protection of Winter. A majority of their time was spent on New Alderaan and Anoth.

The twins returned to Coruscant at age 3 and had many a (mis)adventure there. They once became lost in the underworld of Imperial City with C-3PO but were quickly rescued and returned to their mother, the Chief-of-State of the New Republic.

Jacen's aptitude for the Force and closeness to his uncle were obvious early. As only a toddler, he managed to defend the unconcious Jedi Master from the dark spirit of Exar Kun. Jacen used the Force to defend his uncle and future mentor with his own lightsaber.

Jedi Academy

When he was old enough, Jacen travelled to Yavin 4 with his sister to begin his Jedi training. Jacen discovered a strong connection to the Living Force and was able to communicate with and calm many of the jungle creatures near the Academy. The young man even kept a small managere of animals in his room in the Great Massassi Temple. He and his sister befriended Lowbacca and the warrior princess Tenel Ka, learning Jedi techniques quickly and going through many trials even as young teens.

Shadow Academy

In their exploration of the jungle near Luke's Jedi Academy, Jacen and Jaina discovered a crashed TIE Fighter from the Battle of Yavin. Jaina decided to install a hyperdrive in the downed starfighter and begin fixing it to fly again. Jacen, Lowie, and Tenel Ka would help her to practice their Force skills until all were held captive by the TIE's original pilot, Qorl, who had been living in the jungle for 19 years. They eventually escaped, but so did Qorl, leaving the jungle moon behind and searching for any remnants of the Empire.

(Missing image)
Jacen Solo

Qorl would discover the Shadow Academy, a training ground for Dark Jedi under the command of one of Luke Skywalker's fallen students, Brakiss and the remains of the Dathomiri Nightsisters. These elements of the so-called Second Imperim managed to kidnap Jacen, Jaina and Lowbacca, but they were resistent to the temptations of the dark side and were rescued by Luke Skywalker and Tenel Ka.

Jacen learned a valuable lesson while he was at the Shadow Academy. In a training excercise that pitted an unknowing brother and sister against each other, Jacen realized that he was not as powerful in the Force or as wise as he had thought. The young Jedi had wished to construct a lightsaber, but discovered how dangerous they were and how much knowledge and maturity were required to weild one.

The friends returned to Coruscant for a short vacation, and were reunited with the twins' childhood friend Zekk. They were happy to see the young man, but the boy was soon recruited by the Shadow Academy, who discovered before the twins that the boy had Force potential. Zekk would be forced to fight Jacen and Jaina several times, and the twins and their friends finally progressed far enough to be tasked with building their first lightsabers.

Jacen's hard-learned lesson became hit home once again when Tenel Ka rushed to complete her lightsaber to keep up with her friends. She used an imperfect crystal and her blade shorted out in a sparring match with Jacen. His lightsaber passed through thin air where her weapon had been seconds before and severed the young woman's arm. Though the girl bore him no ill will, Jacen took it hard, and it became another event that would help shape him into the Jedi he was becomming.

Not long later, the Jedi trainees and the Shadow Academy would have their final confrontation on Yavin 4. The twins, with the help of their peers at the Jedi Academy, Luke, and Zekk would bring down the Shadow Academy and the Second Imperium forever.

Diversity Alliance

Jacen and Jaina continued their Jedi training at Yavin 4, meeting new friends like Raynar Thul. They could not convince Zekk to stay at the Academy with them, but Jacen and Jaina remained friends with him. With his and Raynar's help, they ran into their first discovery of a new threat to the New Republic, the Diversity Alliance.

The all-alien anti-human group was building up massive support among peoples that had been oppressed by the Empire. They were led by a Twi'lek Nolaa Tarkona, the sister of Oola, Jabba the Hutt's murdered dancing slave. She was a very striking woman, with only one lekku and sharpened teeth that she kept perfectly filed.

Jacen, Jaina, and their friends were briefly held captive on Ryloth and had to escape to its harsh surface, all in an attempt to rescue their Wookiee compainion Lowbacca, who had misguidedly gone to join the Diversity Alliance.

Finally getting to the bottom of a plot they had suspected all along, the Jedi trainees caught up with Raynar's father Bornan Thul to race the Diversity Alliance fleet to an Imperial storehouse hidden in the deep core. There was hidden a supply of deadly diseases created by Gerneral Derricote almost two decades ago. Tarkona wished to unleash a plague against humans and wipe them all out, but was stopped by the Jedi and members of her own group, succumbing to one of the diseases herself on a faraway planet.

New Jedi Order

Once their training at the Academy was more or less complete, Jacen finally began to have a seperate life from his twin sister. While she became apprenticed to Mara Jade Skywalker, he was taken under the wing of his uncle. Jacen learned much from Luke, though they disagreed on many philosophical issues, but not quite as many as he did with his younger brother.

While Anakin sought action, using the Force as a tool to achieve his goals, Jacen believed the Force was a guide and was comparatively a pacifist, telling his younger brother that the Foce was more than a weapon to weild against a foe.

When the Yuuzhan Vong attacked, Jacen believed that many Jedi were adopting too aggressive a stance. He abandoned his powers temporarily to contemplate the Force. Only his love for his endangered mother brought Jacen back into the front lines of the battle with the extra-galactic invaders. He still sought answers to put his mind at ease, and remained a deep thinker in matters of the Force and its use, but would use his abilities to defend the galaxy once more.

Jacen applied his more passive talents in the Force in a daring mission to Myrkr. A Jedi strike force, led by Anakin, was to infiltrate a Yuuzhan Vong cloning facility where the invaders crafted deadly Jedi-hunting beasts called voxyn. Jacen would use the Force to bind the team together into a cohesive fighting unit with a new technique called the Force Meld. The mission ended disastrously. The Yuuzhan Vong killed young Anakin, Jaina reacted by touching the dark side of the Force, and Jacen was captured by enemy troops led by Vergere and Nom Anor.

Jacen disappeared. His presence in the Force had seemingly vanished. Many in the New Republic considered him dead, even his sister. Vergere was able to stip Jacen's ability to use the Force, and this ripped away his connection with Jaina. Jedi and even untrained Force-sensatives throughout the galaxy could feel Jacen's presense die in the Force, and only his mother trusted that he was alive, somehow, somewhere.

Jacen awoke to find himself in the Embrace of Pain, a rack-like torture device favored by the Yuuzhan Vong. His captor puzzled him with queries and riddles as Jacen drowned in his pain and sorrow. Yet his inner strength of character staved off madness or total collapse. He remained under the care and tutelege of the avian Vergere, who he learned had once been a Jedi of the Old Republic, and who had even met his grandfather, Anakin Skywalker.

Jacen was put to work at the Nursery in a Yuuzahan Vong seedship. His natural empathy for living creatures forged a strong bond with the dhuryam, a sort of larval form of a World Brain. Using the implanted slave seed beneath his flesh as a conduit, Jacen was able to communicate with the living instruments of Yuuzhan Vong technology. He used this connection to stage a daring escape from captivity, commanding Yuuzhan Vong amphistaffs to surround him like living armor. The dhuryam, protective of Jacen, aided his efforts of escape, but Vergere foiled his larger plans of sabotage.

Jacen and Vergere fled to Coruscant. The city planet's entire surface was undergoing a radical transformation. Yuuzhan Vong organic growths covered the once gleaming metropolis, remaking the planet into a Yuuzhan Vong paradise. The world was to be their new capital, a recreation of the planet that had spawned them, Yuuzhan'tar.

Vergere removed the slave seed from Jacen, but he found he could still sense the Yuuzhan Vong. Once again surrounded by Yuuzhan Vong captors, he surrendered and agreed to join their cause. He became the "khattazz al'Yun," or Avatar of God. Nom Anor intended to use Jacen to sacrifice his twin sister, Jaina, thus fulfilling an ancient Yuuzhan Vong prophecy.

But young Solo's true allegiance was his own. During a test of Jacen's faith, the Yuuzhan Vong ordered Solo to sacrifice a captured Jedi, Ganner Rhysode. Instead, the two Jedi turned against their captors. As Ganner valiantly held of the Yuuzhan Vong, Jacen confronted the World Brain controlling the transformation of Coruscant. The World Brain remembered the bond that Jacen had forged earlier, and Jacen suggested to it to work against the Yuuzhan Vong.

Ganner perished that day, though Jacen escaped with Vergere. He returned to the dwindling New Republic territories, haggard, thin and hardened. He was given a much needed vacation, but returned to frontline combat aboard the cruiser Ralroost. His ability to start the Jedi Meld was a large asset to Admiral Kre'fey and Jacen joined the Alliance Fleet with elements of Grand Admiral Pellaeon's fleet in a large-scale deception at Ebaq 9. The battle was a victory, but resulted in the death of his latest mentor, and finally friend, Vergere. Her spectral form would, however, appear to him soon after.

As the newly formed Galactic Alliance emerged, Jacen accompanied his uncle Luke Skywalker into the Unknown Regions to seek a solution to the Yuuzhan Vong menace. Jacen would be instrumental in the search for Zonama Sekot and in the efforts to convince the living planet to join the fight against the Yuuzhan Vong. After the grueling final confrontation and the war's end, Jacen told Luke that he had decided to travel the galaxy to learn more about the Force, possibly studying with other Force-users like the witches of Dathomir and the Jensaari.

Name: ALAN
Age: 20
Gender: MAIL
Height: 9/3
Weight 123
Faction: New Republic/jedi
Job: jedi
Weapons: GUN
Starship(s) Y WING
doirds C 3 PO
pets DOG
lovelife WIFE

Name :Jackbo ackbar



Gender: MAIL<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Height: 9/3<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Weight 125<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Faction: New Republic/jedi<o:p></o:p>


<o:p> </o:p>

Strength: VERYSTRONG<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Speed: FAST<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

PETS: DOG<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>


<o:p> </o:p>

Skills: FRIGHT,PLOTING<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

LOVELIFE: HAS A G/F<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Weapons: LIGHTSABOR<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Armour: TITAMIUM<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Starship(s) X WING



Name: ALEX

 Age: 16


Gender: FEMAIL

Height: 9/3

 Weight 125

Faction: jedi

Job: jedi

POWERS: Clairvoyance Jump Speed Telepathy Telekinesis Stasis Field Heal Protect Immunity


Starship(s) Y WING

pets CATS

lovelife ANIKIN

Wedge Antilles

Height : 9/4

Status as of latest movie : Part of Rogue Squadron

Status as of latest book : Part of Rogue Squadron

Race : Human

Birthplace : earth

Weapons : Blaster

Parents : dead

Relatives : Unknown


Admiral Ackbar

Height : Unknown

Status as of latest movie : Admiral in Rebel Fleet

Status as of latest book : High Up person in the New Republic

Race : Calamarian

Birthplace : Calamari

Weapons : gun

Parents : dead

Relatives : Unknown



Han SoloHAN SOlO-  While in Mos Eisley, Han is met by Luke and Obi-Wan who will pay him to fly them to Alderaan. While flying they dectect that Alderaan isn't there, and while chasing a TIE they get sucked up into the Death Star where they find Leia and later go to Yavin 4 . While in space after escaping into an astroid feild , they land inside what they thought was an astroid. While doing repairs Han seems to fall in love with Leia .  Then Han gets frozen in Carbonite. Leia , Luke , Lando , 3po , and R2 save Han in Jabba's palace . After destroing the generater on Endor, Han and Leia live a happy life ?

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