leland chaptmon
Born: Groom, Texas Currently lives: Kona, Hawaii Age: 28 Kids: 2 [Dakota (10) and Cobie (4)] Marital
Status: divorced Relation to Dog: third eldest son Hobbies: boxing, being at the beach, being with his sons DOB:
December 14, 1976 started Da Kine Bailbonds at the age of 21 worked at K-Mart when he was 18
duane lee jr
age; 34
family life ; his bro's and dad
his sister lisa and his to yonger sibs
From Colorado Has 4 kids [Jodi (13), Jennifer/Jasmine (11), and Dylan (10)] wife- Teresa
beth smith Youngest bondsman in Colorada at 21 Relationship to Dog: wife/partner Start in politics working for
Colorado State Senator Don Sandoval Daughter of Professional Baseball League Gary Smith of Kansas City Athletics 35
years old (???) Kids with dog: Cecily (12), Bonnie (6), Garry (4) her father recently has bypass surgery but is doing
she is dog wife and right hand woman .
qoute; he didn't know dynamite came in such little packages".
Beth got her start in politics while working for Colorado State Senator Don Sandoval.
She became the youngest bondsman in Colorado at age 21. Beth's main reason for working in bail bonding was none other than
Dog, the best bounty hunter in Denver. She quickly moved up the corporate ladder of the bonding business, chasing Dog all
the while. After moving into a legislative position at the Bail Association, Beth helped rewrite Colorado bail laws.
daughter of Professional Baseball League's Gary Smith of the Kansas City Athletics, Beth attributes her tough-as-nails attitude
to her mother. Her main goal is to raise awareness of the justice system, and to one day see Duane as sheriff of a small town.
Beth feels blessed to have been able to overcome hardships in her life and to be in the position to help others do the same.
Life is all about second chances. |
Known as the best of the bounty hunters Over 6,000 captures in 27 years Born in Denver Coloroda Has 12 kids oldest
of 4 kids parents - Wesley and Barbara Chapman 52 years old(???) Born: 1953 qoute;
Taco Bell south of the boarder Fugative made to order!" |
Dog's nephew has a girlfriend Born in Louisiana dreams to play in
the NBA 22 years old miggle name is Derago Has a 45 inch vertical jump
| |
tim chaptmon
Made his first arrest when he was 14 Been working with Dog for 21 years Has 2 kids Relationship to Dog: Not-related Nickname:
Young Blood considered a third generations bondsman 40 years old (???)
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